Well it's been awhile since I've been on and there's been any contact. This is a new year so there's going to be a lot of new things to come to this blog. This blog will not only be out my life but also about products review. So it's a all around blog. So I'm taking the time now to gather everything and get all my stuff together to what goes to which as in separate blogs and videos that you can go watch on my YouTube. Like I said this year is going to be a different year all around. If you'd like to check out my previous videos on my YouTube I'll provide the link below with my instagram link also. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRyWeAB2tar5OAMxMwePPGw Instagram: www.instagram.com/dieselchick208_getsfit4life/ Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/fitgirl_deanna Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Letsgetfit4life-149309478494933/ Thanks so much. I hope you. Continue to come back and check out my blogs. If you like my stuff and want to stay...
Welcome to my blog. My blog focuses on my journey through fitness also will include my life as a single mom living with epilepsy. I make vlogs for my YouTube channel and also make unboxing videos for my subscription boxes and I also test out products for Free and do reviews. thanks so much for checking out my blog.