Month of May's Final Results!! During this month I joined a Fit Girls 28 day challenge. I of course weighed in every Sunday and also toke measurements with pictures. The first day(day 0) that i took my first weight, measurements and pictures was on 04/28/19. The last day I weighed, measured and i toke pictures was on 05/26/19. During the 28 day challenge that I participated in there was a lot of stress that i had gone through that I know had some side affect on my results but not everything. More in to how it all went down: Week 1: I happened of course to be on my monthly which sucked of all times but at least it was at the start of the challenge and not at the end. Week 2: My grandma was in the hospital & wasn't doing so well and basically didn't have much time so I was preparing for the worse. I had to go to the town she was at to see her and then go back for a family gathering cause the day I left sh...
Welcome to my blog. My blog focuses on my journey through fitness also will include my life as a single mom living with epilepsy. I make vlogs for my YouTube channel and also make unboxing videos for my subscription boxes and I also test out products for Free and do reviews. thanks so much for checking out my blog.